Tuesday, 18 October 2011

What should we do for a mental health/eating disorders awareness week?

My friends and I are in charge of organizing a mental health and eating disorders awareness week at our high school. We are trying to come up with ideas to get students interested and educated on the stuff we're focusing on (EDs, self harm, suicide, self-esteem, etc.)

Do you have any suggestions? We are going to have things like petitions and a No-Diet Day, as well as information on resources, but I'm looking for interactive ways to get the school engaged.

I would have available on display,  the definitions of what is depression? What is ED's? Etc.  Also get questionnaires that say, for example, do I have depression?  Its great that you will have resources too. But let people know, maybe by percentage wise. How many people do suffer from mental Illness and that they are not alone. That mental illness doesn't discriminate. It can happen at any age. That it also can be hereditary.  Mention that fact that name calling does hurt.

And sometimes the people who are made fun of, it can have a long term negative effect. Let people know that if they think someone may hurt themselfs or threaten suicide that it is OK to go to a peer. Maybe they may not think the person is serious, or maybe its a cry for help. Teach that we all need to get involved. That Mental Illness is real. And to the suffer it can be very devastating.  That it is OK, to seek help. That seeking help is not a failure, but a step in the right direction.

Should the medical records of those with mental health disorders be made public?

If there had been a law requiring the public access to medical records for mental health disorders the Virginia Tech tragedy would never have happened. Also in a free country shouldn't we have the right to know that a lunatic may be living among us?

No, absolutely not. 

It's already difficult enough to go to a counselor or a doctor and talk about your problems and how life isn't working for you, etc.  If people knew that their secrets would be a matter of public record... then no one would ever seek mental health treatment!

Cho had not committed any crime... and he refused mental health treatment. Even if his records were public, that would not have prevented this tragedy. What would people have done if they had known about his mental health record? Sure, the school could have asked him to leave... but then he would have gone and shot someone else..The laws of this country cannot force someone to get mental health treatment or to lock them up in jail if they have not been convicted of a crime. And it is difficult, if not impossible, to predict someone's behavior or to predict violence.

What is the Christian view of the origin of mental health disorders such as depression?

As a psychologist, I am use to having to contend with Scientologists and their ignorant beliefs about mental health disorders but I recently had to argue with a Christian who argued that the devil causes depression and as such, those suffering with depression can be cured by Christianity....

Is this belief frequent through out christians?

Emperor - I didnt realise that all psychologists talked the same...especially considering that there are different specialist areas and roles
Oh, no, not at all. I thank God that I live in a time where beter treatment is available for depression. I am religious about taking my anti-depressant because I do NOT want to go to that dark, scary hole again, EVER. I'm a Christian, and part of my depression was feeling like God had abandoned me. I exercised regularly too, which is supposed to help avoid depression. I didn't want to take drugs, thinking I would pull myself up by my own bootstraps, but then came a time when I couldn't find my bootstraps. Zoloft saved my life.

Do you learn about mental health disorders in A level sociology?

This is a genuine question, but I was just wondering if you study about how mental disorders are in our societies, in A level sociology.

 I'm asking this question because, I'm really interesting in mental health disorders and I'm taking sociology instead of psychology for A level, so I was just wondering if you do study at least a little bit about mental health issues and how it affects our society.

not really - more likely in psychology

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

How do i raise my kingdoms well being in the sims medieval?

My sims kingdom has low Well being and I'm tired of disease ridden citizens. How do I raise the well being of the kingdom?

Accept quests that raise well-being (you'll see it on the page that shows you the rewards you'll get from completing the quest). You can also place buildings that raise the limit for how much more well-being points you can gain.

How would you propose a relationship between GDP and economic well being?

How would you propose a relationship between GDP and economic well being? Do you believe our nation could be in a state of economic well being and what measures would need to take place?

The GDP measures the value of goods and services that have been produced within an economy.

The first thing is to make it on an individual basis. 10 people producing $1000 worth of goods are more productive (and richer) hand 100 people producing $1000 worth of goods. To keep things simple, assume that the value of what you produce is also what you earn. So we should consider GDP per capita, rather than GDP per se.

Another issue is for those economies where many people work overseas and send money back home to their relatives, thereby increasing the economic well-being of these relatives at home. Hence we should look at GNP per capital which measures the value of your Nationals.

Now, let's go back to our small economy of 10 people where everyone works and in total $1000 is produced. When I compared that economy with the one with 100 people, I implicitly assumed that in the first case, everyone produced $100 or so (10 people producing $100), and in the latter, each produced $10 (100 people producing $10 each). Since people earn the value of what they produce the argument still holds.

However, imagine that in the 10person economy, one person earns $991 and the rest each earn $1. And what if in the second economy, each person did earn $10. Which economy has higher economic well-being? Of course the person earning $991 is better off than the rest, but in general? Hence we have to look at income distribution.

Once you realise than GNPpc is not the be-all and end all of well being, you would want to extend it to more indicators.

One of the most commonly used ones if the Human Development Index (HDI) used by the United Nations.

Who is obligated to care for the well being of livestock animals?

Is that non-vegetarians' paramount obligation to care for the well being of livestock animals?

If they claim that livestock is created for non-vegetarians, why should the vegetarians desire for love, mercy and compassion for them?

If they feel they have rights to impose cruelty to animals as much as they can, but that is nothing to do with you. Why should you desire for love, mercy and compassion to these animals?

Please explain your question logically!  Are you asking something from vegetarians?  Are you asking the question to non-vegitarians?  Are you saying that if vegetarians don't eat animals - then why should they care how the animals are treated? 

OK, I'll take the first line of the question:  Ultimately the government is responsible for legislating minimum standards of livestock care.  It's got nothing at all to do with vegetarians.  e.g. I worked for the Meat Hygiene Service in Scotland (although I'm an Aussie - and a vegetarian)... they were responsible for creating and enforcing the standards for farming, slaughtering and processing the animals.  The farmers had to comply with these standards, and were subjected to regular inspections.  For example, If the chickens on a chicken farm didn't have enough space to run around, or they were too stressed out at the moment of slaughter, the farm would be shut down until they were back up to compliance.

What is the relationship between landscape and psychological well being?

What is the relationship between landscape and psychological well being?

I am taking a science with a lab. I have NO IDEA what any of it means! Can anyone help me answer the following questions? Before anyone asks yes i read the book and it did not get the information i needed out of it.

What is the relationship between landscape and psychological well being?

how does the presence or absence of natural beauty in your environment affect your psychological well being on an everyday basis?